Privacy Policy of the Arbroath Guildry Incorporation (AGI)


No personal data is gathered or held by the AGI about visitors to this website. Please see our cookie policy here if you are interested.

Grant Applications

If an individual or organisation submits an application for a grant, the data supplied by the applicant will be held and processed for the sole purpose of dealing with the grant application. Their information will not be used for any other purpose and will not be passed on to any third party. The legal basis for processing this data is Legitimate Interest.

The data will only be retained while the application is being processed unless required to be kept for a fixed period thereafter for any statutory reason.

Please see the Your Rights section below.


Personal data of members is gathered from the member and processed for the purpose of managing the membership records of AGI and to inform members of AGI business. The legal basis for processing this data is Legitimate Interest.

The data will only be used by the Clerk of the AGI and not disclosed to any third parties.

The data will only be retained while the individual remains a member of the AGI unless required to be kept for a fixed period thereafter for any statutory reason.

Please see the Your Rights section below.

Your Rights

You can request a copy of the data that is held about you by the AGI.
Your data will be kept up to date.
You can request that your data is deleted. Please note that this would mean the AGI could no longer process your membership or grant application.
You can request that the processing of your data is restricted temporarily.
You can request that data is processed to maintain your membership or application only and that the AGI does not contact you.
You have the right to object to your data being processed by the AGI. Your data will not be processed while the objection is being dealt with.

Getting In Touch

For all queries and requests please contact the Clerk directly or fill out the contact form at
All communications will be responded to within 1 calendar month but usually by return.